We provide rigorous protection against the most advanced current and even future threats to government bodies. Respecting the data security needs of often highly constrained environments, our proven solutions are fully scalable and highly adaptive, integrating flexibly into government IT infrastructures. The Kaspersky Private Security Network provides world-leading threat intelligence without any data leaving your perimeter, and our security services and unparalleled expertise are at your command.
What We Offer
Superior security providing unprecedented levels of reliable and efficient threat prediction, prevention detection and remediation, geared to the specific needs of government bodies worldwide.
Targeted attack detection
We detect and prevent advanced attacks targeting government organizations
Compliance with local regulations and restrictions
Our solution complies with regulatory standards including PII, PCI DSS, HIPAA, FIPS 140.2 etc.
Threat intelligence for isolated networks
Our fully-insulated private network facility is specifically designed for government bodies, securely analyzing and delivering real-time cyberthreat intelligence.
In Use
Instantly Detecting and Responding to Attacks Targeting your IT Infrastructure.
Kaspersky Lab’s unequalled protection performance is continuously proven through independent tests, while our Anti-Targeted Attack Platform delivers innovative advanced detection of complex threats and identifies and responds to ‘live’ attacks on your systems, using technologies including an ‘on-premise’ sandbox - ideal for isolated networks. Our services portfolio provides systems hardening as well as Incident Detection and Response expertise.
Providing Real-Time Advanced Threat Intelligence with no Compliance Issues
The Kaspersky Private Security Network (KPSN) has been specifically designed to deliver all the benefits of security intelligence to isolated networks where regulatory compliance excludes any data transfer outside the IT systems perimeter. Fed with the latest threat intelligence from the external Kaspersky Security Network, together with internal data gathered and processed solely within your isolated networks, KPSN installs and operates entirely within your IT infrastructure, under your full control, helping deliver outstanding levels of threat prevention, protection and detection.
Empowering your SOC to Help Repel Future Cyberthreats
Our portfolio of Threat Intelligence Services includes the provision of real-time threat data, feeding directly into leading SIEMs, while threat reporting, precisely targeted to your requirements, can be delivered in the most appropriate formats. We can further empower your SOC teams with specialist training in areas like advanced digital forensics and malware analysis, or provide our own expert teams to complement your existing skills base as needed.
Adaptive Security Framework
Prediction and Prevention work to stop an incident before it evolves into an accident. Detection and Response define the discovery and remediation of an accident. In this paradigm, each subsequent stage requires greater resource consumption to react than does the preceding stage.
Too often, security receives the budget it’s perceived to deserve, not the budget it actually needs. Security must be highly prioritized and significantly invested in to ensure successful deployment and a strong RTO.
The Risk
Government organizations are natural targets for cyber-warfare – from espionage and blackmail through to politically motivated attacks: